image format that is based on XML

Slides created by Ira Litvinchuk

Typically frontend developer relationship with image animation

Bad quality of image

Resize problems


Why SVG Animation?

  • Lightweight
  • Fast
  • Scalable
  • Lots of online tutorials
  • Interactivity
  • Supported on all major browsers (except IE8 and less)

SVG Paths

There is one overpowered element in SVG, that would be the element < path >

The element takes this sequence of drawing commands through the attribute d.


Other useful commands

  • arcs (A)
  • quadratic bezier curves (Q)
  • cubic bezier curves (C)
  • etc

"Okay, I get it. SVG is powerful, but how do I animate it?"

SVG animation

  1. CSS

  2. Native

  3. JS

CSS animation

stroke-dasharray & stroke-dashoffset

Just curve line



Add animation

  .path {
    stroke-dasharray: 320;
    stroke-dashoffset: 0;
    animation: dash 5s linear;
  @keyframes dash {
    from {
      stroke-dashoffset: 320;
    to {
      stroke-dashoffset: 0;

With more paths


And more styles

    .line1 {
      stroke-dasharray: 340;
      stroke-dashoffset: 40;
      animation: dash 2.5s linear alternate infinite;

    .line2 {
      stroke-dasharray: 320;
      stroke-dashoffset: 320;
      animation: dash2 2.5s linear alternate infinite;

And main - with more animations

    @keyframes dash {
        from {
          stroke-dashoffset: 360;
        to {
          stroke-dashoffset: 40;
    @keyframes dash2 {
        from {
          stroke-dashoffset: 280;
        to {
          stroke-dashoffset: -40;



Native animation

Animation is done by manipulating the attributes of shapes over time. This is done using one or more of the 4 SVG animation elements.


Animation is achieved by nesting one or more of the following elements inside the element that needs animation.

  • set
  • animate
  • animateMotion
  • animateTransform


Animates an attribute





Animates motion along a path.





Animates the transform attribute of a shape.





AnimatesTransform type="scale".



Combine animations

Synchronize beginning of one animation to end of another




JS animation

JS Libraries

Fine tune the interactivity

  • Snap.svg
  • GSAP
  • Velocity.js
  • Svg.js
  • Raphael.js

Cool animation with GSAP library

How to get from this


Thanks for attention